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"Bussed Clock Architectures for High Performance, Robust ATM Design Applications"

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->Bussed Clock Architectures for ATM...
Simplifying FutureBus Backplane...
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Published in the Design Supercon95 Proceedings

Mr. Hansel A. Collins, B.S.E.E.
Dr. Edward P. Sayre, P.E.


ATM backbone systems designed for communication applications require such features as: high performance logic and interconnects with the ability to support a wide variety of system configurations, high availability and reliability achieved with hot swap redundant logic and power supplies. In such systems, the wide variations in logic card configurations are dictated by the market and customer needs and affect clocking and interconnect performance. In such systems, the "coincident" clock distribution schemes found in high-end computer systems are impractical due to their highly restrictive configuration rules. For high performance ATM based communication systems, up to and beyond 50 MHz, a "non-coincident" multi-drop distribution clocking scheme, also known as a "bussed clock", offers a low cost alternative without the restrictive configuration rules of the traditional clock distribution networks. The advantages of a bussed clock design include resistance to differences in clock driver delay and insensitivity to unbalanced module configurations. But these formidable advantages can be offset if the signal integrity and timing issues addressed in this paper are not taken into account.

Since the timing on a bussed clock is sensitive to the relative location of the data drivers and receivers, all aspects of the clock network and timing must be well defined. The following are some of the issues to be addressed in ATM switch backbone designs:

  • The importance of designing the receiving modules' clock circuits to be electrically identical;
  • Designing for incident wave switching of the backplane clocks for the highest performance;
  • Routing issues and pinning out of connectors to give clocks the best signal integrity;
  • The use of SPICE simulation to verify signal integrity and obtain delay information to feed into the timing analysis for confirmation of proper bus operation;
  • Timing analysis which takes into account differences in module bus loading and card configurations.

These and other issues will be discussed in detail with design examples presented to clearly demonstrate important topics.

This paper extends past work by North East Systems Associates, Inc. in the design of FutureBus+ based designs for ATM applications. In earlier work, [1] the theoretical justification for the application of the backplane capacitive loading formulas in determining impedance and propagation delay was established. These results were correlated to the more exact mixed transmission line and discrete component SPICE simulated backplane model results and measurements.

This established methodology is used in the determination of the loaded backplane timing models. FutureBus+ technology has been chosen as an example case to illustrate the validity of the analysis methodology for"bussed" high performance clocking.

[1] "FutureBus+ Backplane Impedance Prediction and Performance", Michael A. Baxter and Dr. Edward P. Sayre, interConnection Technology, October, 1992.

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